Since it is now clear that I have made it through the Primary Election with Blaine Young, Billy Shreve and Paul Smith, I would like to thank everyone that is supporting us in our quest to redefine the role of Government in this
County. The fifth Republican to make the cut, David Gray, was asked to join us in our campaign, but declined stating that he has no intention of joining with us since his views vary greatly from ours. This election in my opinion will be a left or right election,
with very little in the way of moderation. What I mean by this, is that the Democrat ticket ( along with David Gray ) are for more spending, higher taxes, more fees, more regulation, and far more bureaucratic red tape.
The Republican ticket however, will be for less regulation, less spending, more accountability, and incentives to bring businesses to the County as well as making it equitable for existing businesses to stay and operate in
Frederick County. These are polar opposite viewpoints. In my opinion this election will tell us whether voters want to keep their jobs, more of their hard earned money, and their private property rights, or if they want to pay higher taxes, more fees, and have big
brother telling them what they can and can’t do with THEIR land. It is as simple as that, there is little or no middle ground in this election.
The support from the Northern part of the County as well as, Sheriff Chuck Jenkins, Congressman Roscoe Bartlett and the Two Northern Mayors, Jim Hoover and Marty Burns has made a positive impact on our success. I have made it
clear that I will be a solid voice for the Northern parts of Frederick County, and I intend to make sure that any impacts / regulations that come from the County to the Municipalities will not be implemented without first having the Municipalities involved in the
decisions. I will also work to make sure that any past improprieties toward Municipalities are examined and brought back in for discussion, should the Municipalities choose to do so.
There are many issues within this campaign that will affect everyone. One to keep in mind is the relationship between the BoCC and the BoE. This is a crucial relationship since the BoE accounts for 58% of the County budget. We
need these two groups that have people who can get along and work together to solve the major problems that will face us in the next four years. There are very good candidates available on the BoE that will work very well with the Delauter, Young, Shreve, Smith team
of BoCC. This is paramount if the children we intend to educate will get the best education to help them be prepared to succeed in a very competitive world, or if we will have adults on these commissions that put partisan political issues ahead of our childrens’
future. There are great candidates available, it’s up to the voters to make the right call and put the BoE in place that will work with this BoCC.
You the voters have a chance to change this County by placing conservative business people in the County Commissioner’s seats, or you can go with what we’ve had over the last four years which is a spend and tax mentality that
stifles business growth and does nothing positive for the local economy. We have a great opportunity to set the standard for how Government operates, with the help of you the voter, we can begin that journey back to economic prosperity by voting Delauter, Young,
Shreve and Smith on November 2nd.