November 21, 2005
Attending were Heather Brennan, Elizabeth Cromwell, Sr. Eleanor Casey, Jennifer Buchheister and Joan Fisher.
Joan reported that next year's Community Day Parade will feature the 100th year celebration of the library. That will be on July 2, 2006. Elizabeth will check to see if the Dewey Decimal Dancers can perform. The FCPL Summer Reading Club's mascot, "Sneaks" the cat can also
participate. A sub-committee is needed to focus on the particulars of the parade and the library's participation in it.
There was a consensus among group members that a publication that chronicles the history of the Emmitsburg Library should be created. Jennifer said that if the committee generates a letter expressing the desire for the publication, the Dispatch would use their resources to
get sponsors (advertisers) and would produce the publication. A sub-committee is needed to assume responsibility for researching and writing this publication. A suggestion was made that first-person accounts should be collected, where individuals detail their memories of the library.
The finale event for the celebration will be a party on Saturday December 2, 2006. Generally it was felt that the gymnasium would be a good place to stage the affair. Among the suggestions for the event are: music by local musicians and/or choirs, "taste of Emmitsburg"
donations of food by local restaurants and the Provincial House, and an elaboration of the Decade-by-decade fashion show that the teens performed as part of the grand opening of this facility. Other suggestions included, special invitations to politicians and community leaders. Because of the
proximity to Camp David, perhaps Laura Bush might like to be featured. If she is unable to come to the Finale, perhaps she might make an appearance at another date between July 2 and December 2. Joan will book the gym for December 2.
Other ideas included getting a large banner to display for 6 months prior to the Finale. Sr. Eleanor is checking on the town regulations on that type of display. We need someone to contact Bill Rosensteel to see if he would sponsor a banner over Kraus' Drug Store.
An art show featuring local artists is another possibility. Perhaps a local artist would paint a picture for the event that can be raffled off. The Friends of the Library will be purchasing a display system so an Art Show can be a feature of the celebration.
It was suggested that a tri-fold brochure list all the events of the celebration, beginning with the parade in July through the Celebration on Dec. 2nd.
The next meeting will be January 12th at 7:00 pm in the Library's Community Room. This will be a follow-up to the first meeting. We will establish the committees and their membership that are needed to implement the proposed plans. If you cannot attend, please let me know
which of the following committees on which you would like to work.
- History of the Library Research Committee-will gather information for publication and artifacts and photographs displays.
- History of the Library, personal recollections-will interview and record the recollections of the Emmitsburg Library.
- Writers of the Library's Centennial Publication.
- Committee for Displays by Local Artists, and other displays
- Committee for Community Day Parade
- Committee for Dec. 2nd Celebration Event (Finale)