(3/6) Skeletal remains were found on a
wooded parcel of land between Route 15 and St. Anthony Road, just outside
“We’re handling this as a homicide until
we find out differently,” said Captain Tim Clarke with the sheriff’s office.

The Frederick County Sheriff's Office,
assisted by members of Vigilant Hose Company, investigated the discovery of
human remains on property between Route 15 and St. Anthony Road on Mar. 1
On Feb. 29, realtor Jack Klingler, who
declined to comment on the on-going investigation, discovered the bones while
conducting a property survey and called 911 at 3:42 p.m. When deputies arrived
on the scene, they determined the remains were possibly human and secured the
“We also had deputies securing the scene
overnight,” Clarke said. “We knew about the body Friday, but because we were
expecting bad weather, we waited until Saturday to investigate.”
From 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Saturday,
about 10 crime scene technicians, detectives and deputies, worked the scene,
sifting through soil and sweeping the area for potential clues or scattered
bone fragments.
“Anytime you have a body that’s
decomposed, there’s the possibility that small animals may have moved bones
from the original site. You have to look beyond that location,” Clarke said.

Frederick County Sheriff's Office
deputies, crime scene technicians and detectives spent Mar. 1 recovering human
remains and dirt from the property between St. Anthony Road and Route 15. |
Hose Company firefighters assisted with the search, including Jim Click. Click
said about 12 members of the company slowly walked in a straight line through
brush, trees and thorn bushes looking for evidence.
“When someone found something, they’d yell
‘stop.’ Then nobody moved until the detective with us checked it out, marked it
and said, ‘go,’” Click explained. “We weren’t looking for every can or bottle.
We were looking for things like shoes or other bones.” Click said they didn’t
find “a whole lot.”
A bone expert with the Maryland Medical
Examiner’s Office determined that the bones were human.
An autopsy was performed on Mar. 3, but
the results are pending and no information was available at press time,
according to the medical examiner’s office.
What is known is that the “remains appear
to have been at the location for a long period of time,” according to the Cpl.
Jennifer Bailey, spokesperson for the Frederick County Sheriff’s Office. Bailey
said Detective Jeff Norris attended the autopsy on Monday and was reviewing
information, but that the identity of the victim was still unknown, as the
“autopsy did not conclude that.”
“We’re way behind the eight ball at this
point unless we can get an identification,” Clark said.
Ricci Frey, who lives on Hemler Road,
often rides his four-wheeler through the wooded area where the remains were
found and said he learned of the discovery when police came to talk to him.

The site where the remains were found.
“I was like, ‘What are you talking about?’
We just cut that trail the last time it snowed and they found the body about a
week later,” Frey said, pointing to a trail that ran beside the site where the
remains were found. “For a while I really thought they had found the body on
the trail and I had been running over it and dug something up.”
Frey said he couldn’t recollect seeing the
remains or anything out of the ordinary prior to the discovery.
The property where the remains were found
is for sale and according to the Maryland Department of Assessments and
Taxation, the 4.78 acres is owned by Michael Easton, who could not be reached
for comment.
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