Piffaro, The Renaissance Band
(9/1) Piffaro, The Renaissance Band, world-renowned as the pied-pipers of Early Music, will delight students at Gettysburg Middle, Fairfield Elementary and Upper Adams High Schools with an artist residency in mid-September sponsored by Adams Electric Cooperative, Inc and Touchstone Energy. The ensemble recreates the elegant sounds of the professional wind bands of
the late medieval and renaissance periods, as well as the rustic music of the peasantry. Piffaro’s collections of shawms, sackbuts, ducians, recorders, krumhorns, bagpipes, lutes, guitars and a variety of percussion, are careful reconstructions of the instruments from the period.

Musicians dust off your shawms. Dancers air out the doublets and duckbill shoes. Adams County Arts Council and the Gettysburg College Sunderman Chamber Music Foundation Concert Series are excited to have Piffaro present a wind symphony workshop (September 21, 4-6pm, Majestic Theater main stage), music history class (September 22, 2:25-4pm, Majestic
Theater Cinema 1), Renaissance dance workshop (September 22, 8-10pm, Luella Musselman Paul Recital Hall), and a workshop in performance practices (September 23, 3-4pm, Luella Musselman Paul Recital Hall) . For more details see www.adamsarts.org.
Piffaro, The Renaissance Band will perform on September 23rd, at 8 p.m., at Luella Musselman Paul Recital Hall in the Schmucker Memorial Hall, at Gettysburg College. The community is invited to attend these free workshops and concert.
According to Arts in Education Coordinator Judy Marti, “Funding support comes from PNC Bank, Brobyn Charitable Trust, Liberty Mountain Resort and Sunderman Conservatory.” This project is partially supported by a grant from Pennsylvania Performing Arts on Tour, a program developed and funded by the Heinz Endowments, the William Penn Foundation, the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, a state agency,
and The Pew Charitable Trusts, and administered by MidAtlantic Arts Foundation.
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