When Do You Really Need a New Smart TV?
(10/21) As fantastic as new technology seems when we first unbox it, it's always usurped by later models. Standards change, and what we once saw as speedy and responsive begins to feel clunky and inefficient. We become inundated with advertisements for new systems and features, and in doing so we abandon the old and start the process all over again.
One of the most common ways we experience this pattern is in the realm of smart TVs. These systems have become ubiquitous in our daily lives, so it makes sense we'd obsess over the next step-up, the next model, and the next generation. Then we hit a wall, where those of us not engaged in the tech world can struggle to understand what we really need, and which features we could ignore. Having traveled this road recently ourselves, we thought we'd break down what we learned to help you find a new purchase you can be happy with.

Needs and Wants
Rather than jumping out and buying a random or expensive model, the best idea is to purchase a more midrange one that is better suited to your needs. Are you a history buff looking to explore documentaries? Then a standard system can be just fine. Do you seek the most detailed visuals and high-definition content? 4K resolutions (not 8K) and HDR support could be better suited to your needs. With so many different possible use cases and TV models, the best way to find what you need is to Google search "The best TVs for watching X". Look at what the reviews say about the important features, and match those against the smart TV options you have available.
The most complicated part of choosing can come from looking at what you want, and what accomplishing this want requires. Consider if you're interested in hooking a screen up to a computer, or using it to mirror a mobile as you play titles like online casino games. Whether you're playing these games or even just browsing to find casino promo codes, you'll want to ensure a system that includes a game mode setting. This setting reduces screen delay, so collecting deposit matches and free spins and playing games will be more accurate and offer fewer missed presses.
Again, finding the best solution here can mean Googling the specific components, and measuring those against the systems on offer. While it can be helpful to include features you're curious about trying out (HDR for example), going for the most feature-rich system without a need to will rapidly increase the price.
Cheap at a Cost
The cost of smart TVs has rapidly decreased in the last few years, and while this is great if you're on a budget, it can also be a double-edged sword. The systems will offer lower image quality, and they'll tend to have less powerful hardware and less capable software. These limitations can cause issues for the smart functions of your smart TV, making them frustrating to operate and limiting their lifespans.
Cheaper TVs can also offset their production costs through unpopular building practices. Some can sell your usage data to big companies, essentially earning money from you and creating privacy concerns. Sometimes these can be opted out of, but other times they are a core of the system that can be undesirable and best avoided.
Staying with the Old
If you're attached to the screen you already own, and you don't want to have to throw something away or move anything heavy, you could also stick with what you have. As the saying goes: if it ain't broke, don't fix it. As the less-popular but still very real saying goes: if the smart TV functionality is becoming outdated, then consider replacing it with an exterior hardware solution.
What we mean by this is that you can bypass built-in smart TV functionality by investing in a system like the Google TV Streamer. This plugs into a TV's HDMI port, essentially adding modern smart TV support to an older television. A system like this means much faster performance, better app support, and a far cheaper package than buying an entirely new TV.

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Our final piece of advice to users is to not rush out and purchase the first TV you see on sale. We know understanding and purchasing new technology can be confusing at first, but having to sit for years with a bad choice isn't the most relaxing experience. Take your time, research your options, weigh what you want and what you need, and you'll be more likely to find a solution that makes you happy for years to come.