(9/4) We certainly live in challenging times. Not only does it often appear that world events are spiraling out of control, but a growing number of Catholics are turning to the Internet for inspiration. Knowing how to navigate the headlines effectively is therefore crucial.

Consider the Source
Americans have become well aware of "fake news". While at one time used to describe the political machinations between two opponents, this concept now equally applies to numerous online information outlets. The problem here involves knowing which ones to trust. Thankfully, some websites are specifically interested in providing the most accurate Catholic news. Although this observation is not necessarily intended to downplay the role of mainstream media, the fact of the matter is that some portals may take a decidedly slanted approach; leading to articles that might not be capable of providing the "big picture".
Separating Fact from Fiction
Current research indicates that there are more than 1.39 billion Catholics around the world (1). Why not take full advantage of this pool of like-minded individuals? Let us imagine for a moment that you happen to come across an article related to the spirituality of Catholicism. However, you also doubt some of the information contained within.
This is an excellent opportunity to seek the advice of others. There are plenty of online Catholic forums that are capable of providing informed, and objective, opinions. When in doubt, there is absolutely nothing wrong with obtaining a bit of much-needed inspiration from the community.
Avoid Sensationalism
We need to remember that the vast majority of online news outlets are for-profit organizations. In other words, their articles must generate a profit to be considered viable. This is the very same reason why you are likely to come across a fair amount of headlines that have been "spun" to attract as large of an audience as possible.
Unfortunately, this method can also sometimes detract from the story itself. There are other occasions when sensational grammar is used to gain inbound hits; even if the article itself might actually have very little to do with the tagline. As a general rule of thumb, it is normally best to avoid this type of reporting, and to seek more accurate information elsewhere.
Choose International News Outlets When Possible
Perspective is crucial when discussing any type of spiritual news article. Whether recounting late-breaking events, or providing an opinion, it pays to embrace as wide of a perspective as possible. International portals are excellent ways to embrace a well-rounded viewpoint. Smaller outlets can sometimes present a skewed opinion; once again resulting in the reader being unable to draw any balanced conclusions.
Seek Headlines that are Relevant
It is quite easy to become overwhelmed with the sheer amount of information to be found across the vast expanse of the Internet. This is why narrowing down the spiritual headlines you choose to view is a wise strategy to consider. For example, you might filter results so that they are limited to the Mid-Atlantic region. Other options include (but are by no means limited to):
- Age group
- Specific branches of the Catholic Church
- The latest articles
- The length of the piece
- Websites that allow readers to comment on the material being presented
These targeted methods will provide you with the most relevant information at the right times.
Know When to Say When
Finally, always know when it is best to step away. Constantly monitoring all of the latest spiritual headlines can be a daunting process, and this habit could even begin to impact your daily life. There is nothing wrong with "taking a breather" on occasion.
Obtaining religious guidance with the help of the Internet has never been more of a possibility. Following the suggestions outlined above will help to provide you with a balanced and healthy perspective.
1. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2013/02/13/the-global-catholic-population/