100 Years Ago This Month
January, 1910
January 7
Runaway Wrecks Three Vehicles
On Monday afternoon a junk dealer's horse became frightened and ran off down East Main Street leaving a trail of wrecks behind it. The two back wheels of Mr. Sander’s buggy were demolished and the one rear wheel of a buggy belonging to Mr.
Ignatius Lingg, hitched in front of the home of Mr. Harry Gross was dished. In front of Mr. Troxell’s store the horse fell and broke the shafts of the wagon.
Horse Falls
A horse belonging to the Boyle Brothers fell in front of the Chronicle office on Wednesday morning. The timely assistance of Messers. Elmer Eyler, James Arnold, and Robert Burdner saved the wagon from injury and from the animal’s struggles. The horse was unhurt.
A Family Reunion
A family reunion was held at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Jacob Ohler, on Friday, December 31. A dinner consisting of oysters, chicken, cake, ice cream and many other things which go to make up an appetizing meal, was served in honor of their children and grandchildren.
Water Main Burst Under Creek
The large main that conveys the water from the reservoir to town burst on Tuesday where the pipe goes under Toms Creek.
Almost Frozen To Death
On Tuesday morning, workmen on the new station at St. Joseph’s Academy carried from the snow near the race bridge on the pike the half frozen body of a tramp, who afterwards gave his name of James Mitchell. The man was almost dead from exposure and it was not with a little
difficulty that Dr. Brawner brought him back to consciousness. The afternoon of the same day he was taking to the Maryland General Hospital, Baltimore for treatment.
The man said he had come from Frederick the day before and had spent the night in the Cretin Barn. When found, he was almost dead. A large icicle had formed below his nose from the frozen moisture of his breath and many spots of his body were frozen. He was found lying in the snow
beside the road. From appearance, it is judged that he is between 65 and 70 years old.
January 14
"Q.R.S." Ten Years Old
The January meeting of the Q.R.S. was held at the home of Mr. James Helman on Tuesday evening, and as this meeting marked the 10th year of the society’s existence the subject for the evening was the 10th anniversary of the Q.R.S.
The parlor was beautifully decorated with black and orange pennants the color of the society. All the programs of the past 10 year’s meetings were on exhibition and displayed many artistic ideas and a wide range of subjects. An elaborate program was prepared for the evening and
ably rendered.
Efficiency Of Our Night Watchman
Mr. Cornelius Buckingham, who for the last six weeks has been Emmitsburg’s efficient night watchman, has in that period notified five persons that their premises were not properly closed for the night, recovered several horses that had broken from stables and surprised one
unknown party who was helping himself to coal.
Accident To Charles Harbaugh
Charles Harbaugh met within accident while sledding on the ice. He fell and struck his head on a stone fence cutting a gash in his scalp 4 inches long. Dr. Jamison dressed the wound.
Ice Cutting Begun
They are cutting ice from the upper part of Kemp’s damn on Middle Creek, 14 inches thick and clear as crystal. Every wagon load of ice that is brought to town, it is hoped, will take a slice off that $.75 householders were obliged to pay last summer.

Back in the days before refrigerators, ice was a precious commodity. Because of its value, ice was harvested all winter long from Tom’s Creek and its tributaries. Once the ice had achieved sufficient thickness (usually 6 inches), it was cut into
sheets and carted off to ice barns. Ice barns, or ice cellars to be more accurate, were large pits in the ground below normal barns, surrounded by thick layers of straw for insulation. Once the pit was full, another thick layer of straw was placed over the cold treasure
January 21
"Alf Day’ Dead
Alfred Dade, colored, better known around here as "Alf Day," died at the home of Mr. Ed Craig, along the old Mountain road, on Wednesday of this week. The age of the deceased was about 70 years. He came to Emmitsburg as a soldier in the Union Army during the war, and remained
here ever since. He was employed by St. Joseph’s Academy until a few years ago. The funeral was held this morning at St. Anthony’s Church at nine o’clock, Reverend Tragresser, officiating. The interment was made in the cemetery on the hill.
Thermometer Registered Zero
The thermometer registered flat zero on Sunday morning at half past seven. In the country a lower temperature was registered in several places.
New Telephone Pole
The Chesapeake and Potomac telephone people have placed a pole on Main Street in front of the marble yard of Hoke & Ryder.
January 28
Ice Gorges In Recent Flood
Last Friday, the ice left the creeks, but little damage was done to property along their banks. The warm rain in considerable quantity and the melting of the accumulated latest snow caused very high water. Toms Creek was so rampant that all travel along the pike was stopped.
Flat Run also caused not a little inconvenience. Middle Creek covered before the high water, in some places, with eighteen inches of ice, tore the ice loose and the meadows along its courses are piled high with cakes and debris. At the mouth of Toms Creek, the ice gorged for about a mile and kept the
stream high much longer than usual.
Local Tramp Nuisance
The people of Emmitsburg will gladly welcome any legislation that will lessen the local tramp nuisance. From early spring until late fall this neighborhood is overrun with Knights of the road-man most of whom are able-bodied, who will not work and who beg for and accept alms
and food without sometimes even returning meager thanks.
Nearly every pittance they get goes for rum, and every drunken tramp becomes a public nuisance and a local charge. It is to be regretted that Maryland has no law on her statute books enabling the proper authorities to put tramps to work on the roads, and it is to be hoped that
when a new charter is drawn up for Emmitsburg there will be a provision in it empowering the Burgess to compel them to work on our streets and alleys.
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