February 2
Beautiful Animal from Creagerstown
Mr. Russell Long’s beautiful horse, "Favorite," gave an exhibition of speed on the streets on Wednesday that attracted a great deal of attention. Besides winning several heats, the animal displayed such action and disposition as to be particularly noticed among the many fine horses here on that day. Mr. Long is from
Delightfully Entertained
On Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bowling entertained a number of guests at their home on Gettysburg Street. The guests indulged in games and other amusements. Continuous music was provided the entire evening by a special orchestra. Later in the evening refreshments were served in abundance, and at a late hour, all the
guests departed for their homes, assuring Mr. and Mrs. Bowling that they spent a very pleasant evening.
On Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. John Weaver gave a supper at their home in honor of her daughter’s birthday. The invited guests, who were Ms. Helen’s girlfriends, arrived early in the evening and were soon seated around a table bountifully laden with the most delicious viands. It is needless to say that all present did their
best to partake of them. One of the amusing features of the evening was the finding of a charm hidden within a dish of nuts. It was understood that the finder should be the first of the company to preside over their own household. Miss Bessie Wine was a fortunate lady. The remainder of the evening was spent in various games, which were of a nature to
make the participants better thinkers. Miss Persis Valient received the prize for having the best memory.
Death of Francis Lansinger
Death removed one of her former citizens on Wednesday when Francis Lansinger, for many years a member of leading building and contracting firms of this County, breathed his last at his home on E. Main St. The deceased was 78 years old. When he was a young man he married Cecilia Tyson of this place and engaged in the carpenter
and contracting business with his brother-in-law Bennet Tyson. During this time, they erected several fine buildings in this town, including the magnificent structures at St. Joseph’s Academy and College, the Presbyterian and Reformed Churches, the Methodist Church at Toms Creek, the Annan & Horner Bank Building on the square, and St. Euphemia’s
February 9
Fox Chase
The fox chase on Tuesday was witnessed by a large crowd. The case started at the Hotel Slagel at 1 p.m. From Raymond’s standpoint it was a decided success for he eluded the hounds and, it is supposed, got safely to cover on Hoffman‘s Hill.
Plays and Dances
All are invited to attend the great four-hour Western comedy drama, "Who is the Richest Girl in the West," given by the Swastika Dramatic Club in St. Anthony’s School Hall on Monday evening. On Friday evening, the Emmitsburg High School will render a three-act comedy entitled, "The High School Freshman." This is for the
benefit of the high school piano and spring athletics. Next Wednesday evening a dance will be given at the Emerald Hall on Frederick Street. Supper will not be served as advertised, but refreshments will be supplied.
Radical Changes Made In Rules of Football
The football rules committee has ‘improved’ the game by the following rules:
- The playing field, now 110 yards in length, will be shortened to 100.
- A zone of ten yards width beyond the goal line is established. The purpose of this is to provide ample space for execution of forward pass and scoring on a pass made across the goal line into the zone is permitted.
- The number of ‘downs’ to gain 10 yards has been increased from 3 to 4.
- The onside kick is eliminated.
- The value of a touchdown has been increased from 5 to 6 points.
- After a touchback the ball will be put into play at the 20 yard line as opposed to the 25 yard-line
- The number of men allowed on the sidelines, now three, will be reduced to one per team.
February 16
Dr. Jamison Wants New Trial
The case of Dr. Jamison against Mr. Daniels Zentz, tried before a jury this week, resulted in a verdict against Dr. Jamison. A new trial will be asked for. The case was for the amount of the bill for professional services rendered to Mr. Zentz, who had his leg injured and attended to by Dr. Jamison. Dr. Jamison claimed that
Mr. Zentz told him to go ahead and save the leg and he would pay the bill. Later Mr. Zentz refused to pay.
Valuable Property for Sale

"Bella Vista," a 10-acre county home situated on Frederic Turnpike, one and a quarter mile from Emmitsburg, midway between Emmitsburg and Mount St. Mary's College. The house, of artistic design, contains 14 rooms, including bath and laundry, large dry cellar with cement floor and wide porches, front side and rear. It is
equipped with hot water heating system. Outbuildings consist of summer kitchen and dining room, large stable, suitable for garage and plenty of room for storage, chicken house, corn crib, wood and coal house all in first class condition. An Artesian order, pure and unfailing provides water year round. The Land is in a high state of cultivation.
Fruits, large and small, a choice variety, just coming into maturity. Shade trees and shrubbery. There are cement walks leading to and from all buildings. Asking $4,500.
Congress and the Lincoln Way
Within 30 days Congress will decide whether the memorial to Abraham Lincoln shall be in the form of an up-to-date highway, used by thousands of people, or an architectural recognition, in the form of a Greek temple, located in one of the Washington parks. A large majority of the House of Representatives is in favor of the
February 23
Householder Taken In
Last Saturday a man of gentlemanly appearance stole a carpet sweeper from a lady in town. He worked the trick by representing himself as a repairman of such machines and persuaded the lady to allow him to take the sweeper. The next day he returned it in better condition, but the day after he called saying that in assembling
the sweeper he had left several screws out and said if they would give him the machine he would replace them in his shop. The man was given a sweeper and has not been seen since.
Gypsies in Town
On Tuesday several Gypsies, of the genuine leather-colored variety, passed through town. They also visited Thurmont and, it is said, made themselves free with the property of others.
Wind Blows Steel Roof from Garage
A wind of high velocity rocked the houses of Emmitsburg on Wednesday night and chased the Mercury down in the thermometers towards the bottom of the bulb. The steel roofing over the garage of Mr. Moritz at Fairplay was lifted off and deposited on Mr. Joseph Felix’s porch where it did considerable damage. Windows in town
suffered to the same extent.
Dance Well Attended
The last dance of the Ante-Lenten season was given on Tuesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Welty, near Emmitsburg. Over 50 guests were present. Many old-fashioned square dances were given, in which everyone took part, and which were thoroughly enjoyed. At 11 o'clock refreshments were served, after which dancing was
continued until the stroke of 12.
Read Prior '100 Years Ago this Month'
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