September 4
Nearly Ready for Boosters Week
Ten days from today the booster week celebration to which everyone has been looking forward to will begin. It is being advertised far and a wide and the greatest interest is being manifested in which will prove one of the biggest events in the history of Emmitsburg.
That monster parade, scheduled for the first day, may be an effective and diversified as possible everyone who owns, or may procure a team, an automobile or a horse is asked to be in line. Floats, decorated vehicles and original, emblematic and grotesque creations will be most welcome. This will for an opportunity to advertise
one's business or vocation.
As Boosters Week we will be a gala week it is naturally desirable that the town present a gala appearance. Everybody therefore is asked to display flags and bunting. Each building in Emmitsburg thus decorated will add to the effectiveness of the scene and the results will be splendid ? it will show that the people here have
the right spirit and that they believe in showing it by entering into the gaiety of the occasion. All are asked to decorate no later than Saturday, September 12.
Fire Company Buys Lots
Lots number 130 and part of lot number 131 on Gettysburg St. belonging to the estate of the late Mrs. Mary Ehrehart, were purchased at a public sale last Saturday by the Vigilant Hose Company for $725. The contents of the drugstore were sold to Mr. Winger, of Thurmont.
Stolen Horse Recovered
Sunday night a fine dun horse weighing about 1,100 pounds was stolen from the field of Clifford Biser of Myersville. On Wednesday the deputy sheriff of Thurmont, traced the horse to Emmitsburg where it was recovered and the appropriator of the animal, said to be the brother of the owner, was apprehended.
Quick Work by Telephone Men
The C&P telephone exchange which, since the advent of the company in Emmitsburg, 14 years ago, has been in the home, now owned by Mrs. Welty, was moved to the home of Mr. Felix last Monday night. It took nine days for a force of the company's expert mechanics to lay a new cable and make the necessary connections. It only took
nine and a half minutes to move the switch board from Mrs. Welty's home to Mr. Felix's home, but it was nearly 30 minutes before all the lines were connected up. All the subscribers are notified early in the evening and no inconvenience was experience. Misses. Nellie and Mary Felix will be the operators.
High School to Remain
There is no truth whatever in the report that the Emmitsburg high school will be discontinued. Official notification has been received to the effect that: ?it has been decided to retain the high school at Emmitsburg with the same grades and conditions as last year.?
Mrs. Anna Bushman
Ms. Anna Bushman the oldest resident of Emmitsburg died at the home of her stepson Mr. William Bushman, Wednesday, September 2. She was 95 years, nine months and 19 days old. Mrs. Bushman was born in Emmitsburg and lived here her entire life. She was a Miss Rowe before her marriage to Mr. Thomas Bushman who died 23 years ago.
She will be interned in Mountain View Cemetery.
September 11
The big parade the big parade will start Monday morning at 10 o'clock sharp. The line will form at the West end of town, extending out Pennsylvania and Mountain Avenues. The route of the parade has been so arranged that all the streets of the town will be covered. Forming at the New Hotel Slagel at the extreme end of West Main
St. the parade would proceed East on Main St. to the East end, then North through the lots of Mr. Charles Guillen to Green Street, then West on Gettysburg St., then south to the public square and on down Frederick Street to the Frederick Street entrance to Fireman's Park.
The Star Spangle Banner feature other pageant will be beautifully and appropriately represented by the "Human Flag", this banner of our liberty being composed of about 100 young ladies attired in emblematic colors. This section will form a very distinctive and important part of the parade and cannot fail to be most effective.

Rumor has it that the members of the Former Former Boozers Association are pondering creating their own flag display out of used booze bottles, of which they reportedly have many.
Electric Drive for Knitting Mill
The Union Manufacturing Companies knitting mill in this place has changed its motor power from gasoline to electricity and hereafter the cough of the engine will be missed along the shady sidewalks of Green Street. A three-phase motor of the latest type and good for 7 1/2 hp is doing at work now with electric power from
Hagerstown. They tell us that the current jumps over the intervening 26 miles 60 times a second, does the work and jumps back to the plant and still is resting more than half the time. From all this it's action is perfectly smooth and regular and the company expects a material improvement in the amount and quality of its output from the use of
electricity. With this new customer, the local electric company now has more than 20 hp of motors connected up and inquiries for more.
Big Yields at Local Orchard
The orchards of Mr. John Hollinger who has the reputation of raising the finest apples in this vicinity, is a showplace at this season of the year. Every tree in both orchards is full to its capacity, some of them having as many as 15 props to hold the limbs up. Mr. Hollinger expects a yield of between seven 8,000 bushels. It
will be remembered that some varieties of the many raised by this orchard had been bought and exhibited by other people at country fairs and taken various prizes.
September 18
Booster Festival a Big Success
Another ?big-time in Emmitsburg? has gone down in history. The weather was fine, the crowds were large, the arrangements excellent, the monster Parade splendid, the lectures far above the average in each and every feature up to a high standard.
On Friday the townsfolk started to decorate. Saturday this was continued until my evening nearly every business place in private growing was a glow with color. Monday the finishing touches were added and by the time the parade started Emmitsburg was one mass of bunting. In addition to this in window after window rare blossoms,
growing plants and stately ferns lent their charm to the effectiveness of the scene. Balconies were transformed into miniature gardens, yellow, red and green predominating; Japanese lanterns hung in front of houses and here and there hanging baskets filled with asters added richness to the scene of all awing declaration.
The Monster Parade went off without a hitch with the exception of the Former Former Boozer's float. To the amazement of many onlookers, the Boozers? had managed to create an American flag made out of liquor bottles (rumor has it the clear bottles had been emptied by Boozers the night before). Members of the association took
turns standing (or at least trying to stand) next to the to display to steady it as it moved down the street. At the square, someone (rumor has it is was a Sufferget) threw a firecracker near the feet of ?Old Luke,? who bolted, causing all the bottles to come crashing down and their contents spilled onto the street. There was not a dry eye to be seen
on the face of any man in the crowd as the Boozers tried to sop up what they could with shirts and rags. Many a man turned away, unable to look at the carnage. The applauding of the women only added insult to injury. The Bozzers have vowed revenge.
All the main attractions to place in a large waterproof tent erected on the eastern portion of Firemen's Field. In this tent was a commodious stage, comfortable chairs, adequate electric service and everything to contribute to the pleasure of the large audience present at every performance. There were many outside attractions,
such as moving picture shows, merry-go-round, duck ponds, dart boards, etc. and booths presided over by charming ladies were novelties and souvenirs and all kinds of refreshments were sold. At night when the last crowds gathered here, when all the lights were low and the band playing and everything was in ?full blast? the Park resembled a miniature
Coney Island with a populace on pleasure bent.
Only One Egg Broken
A shipment of eggs by parcel post from Emmitsburg to Boston, one egg only been broken, shows the practicality of this system which is rapidly being enlarged. Mr. John Horner, postmaster of Emmitsburg, made the shipment, or rather shipments, sending 18 dozen in nine consignments of two dozens each.
New Policy of the Library
At the last meeting of the management of the public library it was decided to order at least 25 new books, hoping that by following the policy of adding at one time new volumes in greater numbers than heretofore the clientele of the library would be materially increased.
The call for new books is quite constant and it may be that many refrain from obtaining membership because many new books are not found on its shelves. In this connection the library committee said that is only too willing to order books in very large quantities whenever the funds at its disposal warrant such a course. The
way, therefore to increase the supply of books is to increase the membership. The committee feels that this can be very easily done if the present membership would make a real effort to add new subscribers.
September 25
Taneytown Growing
"Taneytown," says the Carroll record, "is talking of big things these days, and it remains to be seen whether they will be all dreams and visions. A silk mill, a trolley line, electric lights, a public park, a new cemetery, and a big lot of new buildings, are all the possibilities, if not probabilities. A little working up of
local capital may help the general situation wonderfully."
Edward Linn's Barn struck by lightning
A fire involving the loss of a barn, farming machinery, implements and harvested crops occurred on Wednesday night on the farm of Edward Linn. It was the result of a strike of lightning during a heavy storm which centered over Emmitsburg and the adjoining districts, lasting from about six and nine o'clock.
The blaze was very spectacular and attract a large number of townspeople who were quickly on the scene and by their heroic work were instrumental in saving much property that would have otherwise been destroyed.
Emmitsburg High School to Close
Owing to the small enrollment of students in the ninth and tenth grades the Emmitsburg High School will be abolished. This was the determination of the Frederick County School Board which met in Frederick on Monday. The local school will have eight grades and we classified as a grammar school. The few students who entered for
the two higher grades will be assigned to the Thurmont high school.
Newspaper boy wanted
Emmitsburg newspaper route, carrying morning and evening Baltimore papers. Excellent opportunity for bright boy. Apply for terms at the Chronicle office.
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