October 6
Pennsylvania Lifts Quarantine
The Pennsylvania quarantine for Infantile Paralysis was lifted midnight Sunday night. This means that all automobiles, whether containing children are not, will be able to pass over the Mason-Dixon line without being held up.
Sewing Club
The Emmitsburg Sewing Club opened its season when it met at the home of Mary Eckenrode Tuesday evening. The club will meet once a week during the winter months.
Special Notice
My wife, Gertrude Kreitz having left me, I hereby give notice that I will not be responsible for any debts or bills contracted by her. She has been taken in by all this foolish talk about women being smart enough to vote – which all men know is ludicrous. If she thinks she is smart enough to vote, lets see her earn her own way
through life. Good riddance to her. She never could cook my vittles right anyway. – (signed) Allen Kreitz
Dorsey Vs. Emmitsburg Railroad
On Saturday, the Emmitsburg Railroad Company, which was running a mix passenger and freight train with two free cars ahead of the engine, ran over and killed a valuable heifer. The heifer was the property of Mr. Allen Dorsey, who lives just south of Motter Station. Mr. Dorsey brought suit against the company for damages for
the loss of a heifer before Justice of the peace Harry Stokes, and the case was tried on Tuesday evening. After hearing the evidence in the case, the Justice gave judgment in favor of Mr. Dorsey for $40 and cost.
October 13
Maryland Quarantine Still In Force
Maryland quarantine laws for infantile Paralysis are still in force and travelers to this state from Pennsylvania who are of the opinion that the ban has been lifted (as it was in Pennsylvania) are put to considerable inconvenience through not having health certificates. It has been reported that the state authorities in
Maryland will establish patrols at the various highways leading into the state within the next few days. This would mean that the traffic over the Emmitsburg and Taneytown roads, as well as other highways from this section into Maryland, would have to undergo the same inspections that were made when the Pennsylvania quarantine law was in effect.
Public Sale
Charles Lewis will sell at public auction his farm situated one mile southeast of Sibillasvile on the Emmitsburg-Sibillasvile road. The property consists of 164 acres of land, improved by a nine room weather-boarded house, weather-boarded barn and all necessary outbuildings. A spring of never ending water. Eighty-two acres of
land is in a high state of cultivation, the balance in timber and pastureland. A cash deposit of $500 will be required on the day of sale. Of the balance, half may remain in the place on mortgage.
First Death Due To Infantile Paralysis
Miss Amy Lawrence, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lawrence of McSherrytown, who contracted Infantile Paralysis Friday evening, September 29, died at noon Thursday, age eight years, eleven months and two days. She had been ill for five days. The little girl was the first victim of the disease recorded in Adams County. Where the
child contracted the disease is unknown, as neither she nor her parents have been in any of the affected districts, nor have they been in contact with persons from any of those sections.
Hog Cholera Breaks Out
Hog Cholera has broken out in Frederick County again and the animals of D. F. Roddy, near Mount St. Mary's, have suffered badly as the results of the ravages of the disease. As soon as he noticed that some of the hogs were ill Mr. Roddy sent for the veterinarian, but the state has been powerless to check the Cholera. Mr. Roddy
has lost 42 animals by the disease, and has only a few surviving and remaining on the farm. So far, as it is known, the disease has not broken out in the pens of any other farmers in the vicinity.
October 20
Man Breaks Wrist While Cranking Car
While cranking his automobile at the square on Saturday night, Mr. Royer of Bruceville broke the wrist of his right arm. Royer refused to ride home in it after being treated by Dr. Jameson. Instead, he sent for his "trusty horse Bart" and took a long leisurely ride home on him, leaving the "infernal machine" on the square
where it could "rot in hell."
Bank’s Fixtures Arrive
The mahogany fixtures for the new building of the Emmitsburg Savings Bank arrived the first part of the week and have been put in place. The marble work is nearing completion and the tile flooring will shortly be laid.
New Glove Factory
The new glove factory opened for business on Monday in the Gelwick’s Building on East Main St. Five operators reported the first day, but since opening the force has been augmented. Mr. Harry Low is the foreman. At present, the factory will fill canvas gloves contracts for Baltimore firm.
October 27
Plank Threatens to Quit Baseball
A dispatch from St. Louis says Eddie plank of Gettysburg, veteran pitcher and member of the St. Louis American League club, informed the manager that unless he was traded to some other club, he would quit baseball. He is dissatisfied with St. Louis, not the club. Plank was formerly star hurler for Connie Mack's Athletics, when
they were winning world championships.
Drys to Hold Rally On Square
The Dry Forces of Frederick County will hold an open-air meeting on the Square next Tuesday evening. Rev. Shipley of Buckytown will lecture and a large number of stereopticon slides will be shown. A general invitation is given to the public to be present.
Boozers to Hold Rally On Square
The Former-Former Boozers Association announced that they will hold a rallyl on the Square next Tuesday evening that will coincided with the Dry Forces’ rally. The Boozers are encouraging all members to bring out liberal amounts of their very best "hooch" and plan for an evening of "hooting and howling."
The High Cost of Prohibition
Two weeks from today, on November 7, men will be called upon to state whether or not Frederick city, Emmitsburg Creagerstown, and Woodsboro shall close forever their solutions. These are the only places that are affected by the law. All the places that are now dry remain dry. Much has been said on both sides of the question.
Remember always that you are not voting on statewide prohibition but merely local options.
To every sensible, serious minded man in Frederick County and particularly to you the farmers and businessmen of this county, who are the men of financial responsibility – the only men who bear the burden and meet the expenses of government, we asked you, independently of all other considerations, moral, sentimental or
fanatical, to reflect over the figures and facts and then, before you vote, be true to yourself and your families and answer honestly and fairly this one question - "can I afford to pay the awful price of making Frederick County dry?"

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