February 1
Emmitsburg Had Its Share

Like other towns in the county that were snowbound during the past week, Emmitsburg has had its share of trouble. No mail left or was received at the local Post Office for two days as the Emmitsburg Road was drifted in; state and county roads were banked high with snow; sidewalks were practically impassable for hours, and
leaking roofs were the rule rather than the exception. The storm was generally the same throughout the county, and similar, if not worse, conditions prevailed and regular traffic was suspended.
Snow and the extreme cold weather have brought game birds and rabbits into the borough limits looking for food. Partridges have come into town stables in search of grain, and many rabbits have gotten their morning and evening meals from kindly disposed housewives.
Topper And Huston Arrive In France
Mr. Charles Topper received word this week from his son, Quincy Topper, that he had safely arrived in France. Mr. Topper enlisted in the regular Army last April. The letter stated that he had reached the other side somehow during the holidays and that he was well. Mrs. Thomas Rowe has received word that her son, First Lieut.
Miles Houston has arrived safely in France. Lieut. Houston has recently been transferred to the aviation Corps as an observer.
New Dentist For Emmitsburg
Responding to the intense demand for a resident dentist in Emmitsburg - Dr. Softon having given up his practice – Dr. Sweeny, DDS, of Baltimore, has decided to locate here. Dr. Sweeney was in Emmitsburg last week making tentative arrangements and expects to be here on February 18. Later on, if the practice warrants it, he will
take up his residence and open a permanent office.
New Church At Mount St. Mary's
With the $60,000 provided for Mount St. Mary's College in the will of the late Dr. Charles Hoffman, it is understood that the college authorities will build a new church in the spring. Relatives contested Dr. Hoffman and the court upheld for the plaintiffs. However, the Court of Appeals overruled the lower court and awarded
the sum to the college in accordance with the intent of the Testator.
February 8
Cut Wood To Save Coal
In view of the serious coal shortage, the State Fuel Administrator has appointed a Wood Fuel Committee to stimulate firewood production and urged the increased use of wood. The Fuel Administration is of the opinion that in all probability the coal shortage will be as serious next winter as it is now, and there is every reason
why the farmer and woodlot owner should provide a full supply of firewood now for next winter's use. There is not enough coal to go around, and the communities which are within reach of wood supplies will be expected to use wood whenever possible and save coal for the industries and larger cities where wood cannot be used.
Serious Accident
On Sunday night, while Mrs. McClellan Wills and Mr. John Clark were sledding, the horse that they were driving became frightened in front of the home of Mr. Jacob Freeze, throwing the occupants from the sleigh. Mrs. Wills was thrown against a post fence with considerable force; her forehead was badly cut and bruised. Mr. Clark
escaped without injury. The damage to the sled was slight. The horse, however, was severely injured and Dr. Brokaw was called to look at it. He decided the best course of action was to shoot it, which he promptly did.
Damage Done By Melting Snow
Owing to the heavy snows, which have fallen this winter and the melting of ice on the roofs, much damage has been done to properties. It would be difficult to make any estimate of the losses because of the inability to ascertain the number of buildings affected.
Jacob Lewis Troxel, a well-known resident of the county, died at his home at Graceham from paralysis having suffered a stroke about three weeks ago from which he never regained consciousness. He was aged 70 years. Mr. Troxel was born near Graceham and spent his entire life in that vicinity.
Mrs. John McGlaughlin died suddenly at her home in Fairfield on Monday. She had just come into the house with an arm full of wood. As she laid it down, she fell over. Death was almost instantaneous. She was aged 75 years.
Blizzard Brings Worst Cold Spell Of The Season
The blizzard that prevailed Sunday night, all day Monday and continued until Tuesday night was the worst cold spell of the season. No trains left Emmitsburg from Monday until Tuesday. A train on the Emmitsburg Road between Motter’s Station and Rocky Ridge was caught in a drift Monday morning and was unable to move until
Wednesday evening and then it required the aid of the two Western Maryland engines and 30 men to shovel the tracks open. On Tuesday morning the thermometer registered 7E below zero. The state road leading from Emmitsburg to Thurmont was blockaded for about 1 1/2 miles from Emmitsburg,
the banks of snow being about ten feet deep.
February 15
Red Cross Secures Emerald Hall
Notice is hereby given that the local Red Cross unit has secured the Emerald Hall for the use of its members. The hall will be open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons after two o'clock of each week for the purpose of distributing work. The place will be properly heated so that members can spend their time pleasantly
and profitably.
Emmitsburg Boys Promoted
Announcement was received in Emmitsburg recently, concerning the promotion of Lewis Stoner, George Wagnerman, and Webb Felix to the rank of First Private. These young men are members of the 115th United States infantry entry station at Camp McClellan in Alabama.
It has been my intention to open an office in Emmitsburg in the near future; I wish to notify my friends and the public that I will be prepared to do all kinds of dental surgery using the best and latest methods. Full sets of teeth - $6, guaranteed 10 years - $8. Gold and porcelain crowns - $4 to $5. Crowns and bridgework - $3
to $4. Gold and porcelain fillings - $1 to $2. All other fillings $.50. Extracting by the use of local anesthetics $.25. Signed, Dr. O’Toole
February 22
Streets Have Been Cleaned
A decidedly clean appearance has been given to the streets of Emmitsburg. On Wednesday, the Mayor superintended the washing of the ice and snow off the Square, Frederick Street and the crossings.
Flittings Are Taking Place
The fact that spring is fast approaching is evidenced by the number of "flittings" already taking place. Most every day this week wagon loads of household furniture have been passing through the town. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bollinger, of near Maxwell's Mill, moved into the Gillelan property on E. Main St. on Wednesday.
Entertained At Valentine Party
The home of Dr. and Mrs. Sefton of Thurmont was the scene of a festive occasion on last Thursday evening when twenty-two of this season's most charming lads and lassies gathered to do honor to the old St. Valentine. The house was very artistically decorated with hundreds of cards the color scheme being red and white. The girls
in their pretty gowns, the boys with their bright smiling faces giving a brilliancy to the setting that will not soon be forgotten by anyone who had the pleasure of being a guest. Games, cards, music and dancing were involved in and the delightful refreshments both in color and design carried out the homage paid to St. Valentine.
Read Prior '100 Years Ago this Month'
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