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Pets Large & Small

Animals can show emotions and thoughts

Jennifer Vanderau
Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter

(2/2025) Well, my mother is starting to really figure out this technology stuff.

It’s taken her a while, but it’s kind of understandable. She was a country girl growing up. In fact, the road in front of our house used to be dirt with grass down the center and that’s how vehicles got around when she was a child.

Can you imagine this?

It’s always amazing to me how we really aren’t that far away from historically significant aspects of life and times when things were a whole lot simpler.

Mom would actually walk that dirt road to visit her grandmother, where she helped on the farm and enjoyed real lemonade. I’m talking just sugar and juice squeezed from actual lemons. Mom says we’re going to make some at some point and I can’t wait.

Needless to say, teaching her about text messages and the internet was quite a learning curve, but she’s getting the hang of it. She recently discovered emojis for texts messages. So that’s fun.

She also figured out how to text me any kind of news articles she thinks would interest me and the one she found today, I knew I had to write about.

It’s a story from Istanbul and it’s security footage of a dog actually dropping off her sick puppy on the doorstep of a veterinary clinic.

You guys, I’m telling you. This one got me.

We see the pup carry her baby to the front door and place the little one on the porch. We then see the techs come out and bring both the puppy and the mom into the clinic.

Then the camera switches to the interior of the surgery room, where the techs work to revive the puppy. The mom is still in the room and every once in a while will poke her head up onto the surgery table to check on her little one.

It’s really one of the sweetest things I’ve seen in a long time.

It turns out the puppy had only a faint heartbeat and techs worked to bring the pup around. Thankfully, the mama got her baby there in time and the little one was up and around eventually.

The final photo is a picture of the mama in a box nursing her baby, who looks so much better.

I’m telling you, that dog has a look on her face that says she knew exactly what she was doing and realized the people inside the building would help her.

It’s so amazing how animals can show instincts that almost seem beyond them.

I recently listened to a podcast where a woman talked about the concept of telepathy, but it’s not like psychics or spoon benders.

She said there is a form of communication that is virtually telepathic. Birds flying in formation will do this. One bird will be out in front and when he falls back in the line, another bird will fly up to take his place.

To us, this looks as though it’s totally random, but the birds are doing this one hundred percent on purpose and they communicate the intent telepathically.

I think the mama dog had the same kind of sense when she brought her pup to the vets.

There’s a concept in Eastern Philosophy of energetic vibrational frequency. Heck, it’s scientific, too. Everything on the planet has a vibrational frequency. Even the paper you’re holding right now is vibrating at a certain level. Naturally, it’s not enough for us to be able to sense, but it’s there.

Emotions and thoughts also have vibrational frequencies.

I wonder if the mama dog sensed the helpful vibrations that were emanating from that vet’s office and knew her baby would be safe there. It’s really an incredible video to watch.

It was also heartwarming to see humans help animals like that like that.

Sometimes as we go through life, especially in today’s world, it can feel like all that surrounds us is gloom and doom. This winter for some reason, I’ve been out of it more than usual. It might be the insane cold and frigid temperatures, but for whatever reason I’ve been struggling with feelings of sadness more than usual. I know I get seasonal depression, but I can usually work my way through it.

This video gave me that good feeling I’ve been looking for. It kind of makes me wonder if I was picking up on the vibrational frequency of the people and animals on my phone.

You can find it on NBC News if you google "mother dog carries her barely alive puppy to a veterinary surgery."

If you, like me, are feeling a little blah this winter, do yourself a favor and check it out and see if you can pick up on the telepathy I saw. It just might be that jolt of serotonin you need to get through the cold nights we’ve been experiencing recently.

If it works for you, you can thank my technologically gifted "county girl" mom for sharing the article. I know giving other people that kind of joy would make her feel good, too!

Jennifer Vanderau is the Publications and Promotions Consultant for the Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter and can be reached at The shelter accepts both monetary and pet supply donations. For more information, call the shelter at 263-5791 or visit the website CVAS also operates a thrift store in Chambersburg. Help support the animals at the shelter by donating to or shopping at the store.

Read other articles by Jennifer Vanderau