My First Hack!
Emma Simmons
(5/2020) I had ridden horses before I started riding with Mike. My uncles have horses that they let me ride when I’m visiting them in South Carolina. But that was when I was younger and they had to lead me around on the horse. I rode once at a friend’s birthday party, but it was on a miniature horse. I’m not sure
that really counts though.
I started riding with Mike last August. And since it’s been less than a year, I’ve had a lot of firsts - - first time on a thoroughbred horse, first time tacking up a horse, first time feeding a horse, first time giving a horse an apple, first time trotting, first time posting, first time cantering, first time jumping, and first time
falling off a horse. And I’ve written about some of these experiences in my earlier columns.
But there was one more first that I was very excited to experience. Going on my first hack. If you aren’t a horse person, a hack is a horseback ride on a road or through an open field. Mike had talked about hacking and how much fun it was. He said that one day he would take me on a hack with him. He told my mother and me that we could ride
on a road by his house that didn’t have much car traffic. I could hardly wait. But he said that I had to learn a little more about how to control Wesley, the horse I ride, before we could go hacking. It’s always safety first Mike.
Not long ago, I went to my riding lesson with Mike. He usually tells me to go get Wesley from the field to put on his tack. But this time he told me to get a different horse named Scotty. I was a little confused but did as he asked. After I brought in Scotty to the barn, he asked me to go get my usual horse, Wesley. I was really confused
then. But again, I did what Mike asked. When we had both horses in the barn, we tacked them up. Mike didn’t say anything. I was still wondering what was going on. We never get two horses ready to ride at the same time. When my sister takes a lesson with me we take turns riding Wesley.
Mike then let me in on his secret. We were going HACKING!
I couldn’t say anything. I just smiled my biggest, brightest smile. I was so so excited. I just can’t tell you how happy I was. I had heard about hacking from Mike. He told me how much fun it was. Now I was going to experience for myself!
We finished putting on the horses’ tack and we put on our riding helmets. Mike always makes sure I wear my helmet. After the horses were ready to go, Mike talked with my mother and told her where we were going and how long we would be gone so she wouldn’t worry.
And off we went.
We led Wesley and Scotty out of the barn and rode them through Mike’s field to get to the road. I have to say that as we stopped at the end of the driveway to tell my mother goodbye, I was more than a little nervous. I remember sitting on Wesley and wishing that Mike and my mother would stop talking so we could start our hack.

And then it happened. I held the reins tightly and told Wesley to walk. I so clearly remember the sound of Wesley’s hooves on the road. It was an amazing and unique sound. Clippity clop. Clippity clop. It really does sound like that. When Mike and I began our hack, I think he knew I was a little nervous because he told me some stories about
riding and some of his favorite horses. He also gave me some rules to follow, like staying on side of road, not going too fast, and waving to people in cars when the slow down for you. But we only saw a couple of cars go by.
After a little while Mike said we could trot. Now that was really amazing. Mike said to listen to the horses’ hooves. And when I listened, I heard it. Once we started trotting, the horses’ legs began to move in the same way. To my surprise the horses’ hooves were hitting the ground at the same time. They were in perfect sync. I don’t know
why that happens, but it does.
As we continued our hack, I remember thinking what a perfect day it was. The skies were clear and the weather was still a bit cold. We passed a few farms and a lot of other horses. Some of the horses neighed to us as we trotted by, like they were saying hi. Or maybe they were wishing they could be out on a hack too.
I remember feeling really good as we trotted down the road. There were no fences. I’ve never ever ridden a horse outside of a fence. I felt a little uneasy at first, but then I just felt free. It’s a little like the feeling I get when I jump. But that’s more like flying. Hacking along a road on a pretty day with someone who loves horses as
much as I do is more like feeling content. Like I could do this forever.
But before I knew it, Mike said it was time to turn around and go back to the farm. I knew he was right. That my mother would worry if we didn’t get back soon. But I just wanted to keep going. Good thing I wasn’t in charge.
When we made it back to Mike’s farm, my mother was waiting for us with a big smile on her face. On the way home that afternoon, I told her all about my first hack. What I had seen and about the sound of the horses’ hooves. It was like doing it all over again. But maybe not quite as much fun. I can’t wait to go hacking again. Maybe with my
twin sister next time!
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