Father John J. Lombardi
I recently asked Kayla
and Kiley, two beautiful girls visiting the
Grotto recently with their Mom, What's the best
thing about Christmas? They immediately said:
Jesus. I then asked: Why did Jesus come into the
world anyway? They quickly said: To save us from
our sins. Their cheery faces not only made my
day, but their loving Faith gave me hope.
These bright girls not
only "knew their religion," they also knew their
Savior and life's meaning. As they intimated,
Christmas is not only about presents, it's about
the Divine Presence. The children's parents love
them enough to train their souls to love and
follow God-and spread the Faith-even to priests!
"In times past God spoke
in fragmentary ways. In these last He spoke
through a Son Whom He made heir of all things
and through whom He made the universe" (Heb
At Christmas we
celebrate that God really did break thru all the
world's garbage, miscommunications and doubt
regarding His love for us, and unquestionably
gave us His only Son.
Recently visiting an
addictions-treatment center-where people are
very forthright about choosing bad and harmful
things and, consequently, needing God to save
them--I was struck by how many folks knew that
beautiful Bible verse: "For God so loved the
world that He gave His only Son and that whoever
believes in Him may not perish but have eternal
life" (Jn. 3:16). We are perishing without God;
with Him, however, we are saved from evil, Hell
and despair.
And so, to honor the
Christ and Christmas, sometime soon prayerfully
read Saints Matthew's and Luke's Gospels-the
fist two chapters of each--for the Infancy
Narratives, about the Birth of the Messiah.
Below are scriptural citations and, following
the ellipsis (…), meditations on them. When you
read this you can understand the insight into
the mystery of Christ (Eph. 3:4).
The archangel Gabriel
(meaning God's medicine) said: "She (Mary) will
give birth to a Son and you (St. Joseph) will
name Him Emmanuel" (Mt. 2:23). The Name Emmanuel
means "God is with us." …+Do you realize that
God is with us in a new way He wasn't before--by
becoming Incarnate (en-fleshed--"And the word
became flesh and dwelt among us-and we have
received His glory"-Jn. 1:14). Realize Jesus
present when you pray; when you see Him enjoy
His creation; and when you "practice the
presence of God"-thru continual, small, loving
prayers-in all your activities by a constant
conversation...How will you continue to seek,
find Him and embrace Him in all places and
"While they (Mary and
Joseph) were there the time came for her to have
child (Lk.2: 6)…Jesus was born in Bethlehem"
(Mt. 2:1)...Bethlehem means House of Bread.
Remember that Jesus said: "I am the Bread of
Life, come down from Heaven" (Jn. 6:41)…Do you
make frequent attempts to receive Him in Mass,
and pray to Him in adoration-meditation? Do you
lovingly persevere, even despite distractions,
after Communion? Remember: amidst the cold
night, animals and many wants, Mary and Joseph
adored Him!
Why is the Virgin Mary
known as the "First and Perfect Disciple"? Read
on…When the Archangel Gabriel greeted her,
naturally, the Blessed Virgin Mary was troubled
(Lk. 1:29), but then she heard the angelic
counsel: "Be not afraid" (v. 30); and then let
God's power rest upon her (vs. 35), and
responded, "Be it done unto me according to Your
word" (Lk. 1:39)… +Ask yourself: How can I let
go of any and all fears of following Jesus or
accepting His Will? How can I offer God the
purity of my soul, like Mary, and so intersect,
in my seeming mundane time and space, with God's
mystical begetting of the Son in eternity? For
we are called, as Bible-believing Christians, to
have Jesus and the Divine Trinity not only above
us, but also within us. St Paul counsels: "God
chose to make known the riches of His glory-it
is Christ in you" (Col 1:27).
And Mary said: "My soul
magnifies the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my
Savior" (Lk. 1:46). How can I do what Mary
exemplifies here- exult and transmit God in all
my activities? -there may be no better way to
prepare for, and celebrate, Christmas.
"Mary treasured all
these things (mysteries of God), reflecting on
them in her heart" (Lk. 2:18)…Mary inspires us
to be contemplatives-people who treasure and
love the Lord by meditating upon Him within.
Cultivate devotion to the Mother of God-by
praying the Rosary and by being like her, Jesus'
He was prudent (cf. Mt.
1:19), faithful (Mt.2:14), and a quiet
disciple-he did his duties simply and
unassumingly. St Joseph calls us to be faithful
in mundane duties, doing them with great love
(as St. Therese counseled), knowing that,
however small or insignificant, these loving
deeds may propel and promote God's plan of
salvation.. Ask him to help you , your family,
and you fulfill all your duties.
Angels-Angels are beings
of light, and pure movement that connect the
Heavenly world with ours, and show us God uses
many different creatures--a hierarchy and chain
of beings--to further His plan of Salvation… "An
angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph" (Mt.
1:20). The word angel means messenger, and
carries God's tidings to the human world….How
can I cultivate devotion to God's creatures-my
guardian angel (cf. Jesus describing celestial
creatures interconnecting with in the Mystical
Body: Mt. 18:10). When we venerate angels, we
give them honor and thereby worship God.
Angels often announce:
"Be not afraid" (Lk. 2:8), to dispel the natural
fears we all have in following God's plan
(saints realize: "perfect love casts out fear"-I
Jn 4:18) . The angels' main purpose-and ours'-is
to announce: "Glory to God in the Highest" (Lk.
"There were some
Shepherds in that part of the country who were
spending the night in the fields, tending the
flocks" (Lk. 2:8)…The shepherds represent,
especially in Luke's Gospel, that the poor and
uneducated of the world (anawim, in Hebrew), are
included in God's plan of Salvation…As Catholics
and Christians, then, we don't need Ph.D's to
follow Jesus, we need only hearts that please…We
see, later, the shepherds pleased God by giving
to the Divine Child (v15), and then spreading
the Message of Good News to others (2.17)…How
can I pay homage to the Child King-- in humble
ways (kneeling, prostrating), and humbling
circumstances (serving others, praying for
enemies)? How can I spread His message in an
often-unwelcoming world?
"Behold, Magi from the
East arrived in Jerusalem, saying, Where is the
newborn King of the Jews (Mt.2:2).
They prostrated and did
Him homage, then they opened their treasures and
offered Him gifts of gold, frankincense and
myrrh. And…they departed for their country by
another way." Mt. 2:11-12)…+Do you still deeply
seek Jesus Christ-the height and breath of His
riches (cf Eph. 3:18)-or do you feel you know
Him, and have responded to Him, totally and
already? Having met Him, are you traveling by a
different, spiritual route? Consider that the
gift of gold for you might be the most important
thing in your life-giving God your heart and
soul. Frankincense may represent your prayers
rising to Heaven on a frequent, daily loving
basis. Myrrh may be the loving perfumed of acts
of mercy to other people.
STAR: The astrologers
said: "We saw His star when it came upon in the
East" (Mt. 2.2)… This possibly shows us God can
use, recycle and regenerate anything in His
marvelous universe and plan of salvation-even
stars! It also can represent God turning
creation back to Him after the Fall, and the
curse upon creation (Gn 3:17).
"The Magi saw the star
and it went ahead of them until it came and
stopped over the place" (Mt. 2.9). God's
creation, though distorted by sin, is ordered to
Himself, and continues in his being (cf Col.
1:16); if viewed rightly, it leads us to him.
The star is also the brilliance of God (Ps 36:
"In Your light, O God, we see light"), and
illumines the darkness of life. (The psalmist
also says: "Your word is a lamp unto my feet, O
Lord."). Jesus Christ later says in His public
ministry: "I am the Light of the world" (Jn.
8:12)…How can I partake of and embrace the Light
of God more in my life by avoiding dark things
like sin, inordinate attachments and unhealthy
living? How can I study His word-in the
Bible-and His teachings in the Church-on a more
frequent basis, desiring truth like a sponge
absorbs water? How can I help other
persons-lovingly-who are confused and lost, to
seek and find truth in Jesus Christ and His
Catholic unity? How can I avoid--and help others
do the same--in confusing the Creator with His
creatures (cf Rm. 1:24:where St Paul describes,
unbelievers who exchanged worship of God to
Some Christmas
Conclusions. Deification: St Augustine said:
"God became man that man might become God." (cf.
2 Pt. 1:4-on participation in the Divine Nature
by grace) I.e., How can I become more like
God-in all my thoughts, words and deeds?
Prayers of the
Liturgical Season
Notice the Mass prayers
in the present tense, as if the Birth of Jesus
has just occurred, is still occurring (time is
mystical as well as linear). This is called
anamnesis: a dynamic re calling or spiritual
recollection so we re-live the sacred event to
embrace it anew, more deeply, and to access,
link and harmonize us with the original event
itself (just as all Masses we are somehow
re-united to the first Mass of Jesus)…El Divino
Nino: the Spanish have beautiful devotion to the
Divine Child. How can you cultivate a healthy
love for the Child King? Perhaps you can accept
the Child in ways you find difficult in
receiving the God-Man and Judge of the Universe.
Let Him into your heart thru this Divine
Manifestation of the Infant King!...
Other Christmas
Revisit your Christmas
Manger: this custom, attributed to St Francis-he
supposedly used live animals and figures in his
crèche-was originally meant to worship the
Christ Child. Remember the Reason for the
Season. Pray at your manger: Come, let us adore
Frequent Mass during
Christmas Week. The Day after Christmas is the
Feast of St Stephan, First Martyr. Though this
may seem odd -celebrating a martyr's death
immediately after Christmas, it isn't. The
red-blood color synthesizes with the colors of
Christmas, and this man who really spilled his
blood for the Child-King can both inspire and
recall us back into reality, especially after
secularized cheer and materialism. Also, the
inspiring readings-of Stephen's "face looking
like an angel" (cf. Act. 6: 15) right before his
death, can help us all to witness Jesus as Our
King…Friday is the Feast of St. John the
Evangelist. He is represented in sacred art by
an eagle, because his Gospel is so soaring and
ethereal in language, drama and doctrine. He is
also the author of the Book of
Revelation/Apocalypse, and three Epistles. For
Christmas meditate upon his unparalleled
prologue, St. Jn. 1: 1-16
Now it's Christmas -
this Wednesday, so don't forget to celebrate
until Christmas Season ends on the Baptism of
the Lord, Jan. 12, a.d. 2003. Oh, those
initials, A.D., stand for Anno Domini, the Year
of our Lord, used since an ancient era when
people measured time from the Birth of Jesus
Christ. Some historians, agnostics, secularists
today want to use the initials "b.c.e" and "c.e."
to refer, respectively to "before the Christian
era" and "in the Christian era" to remove
Christ's Name from history … He is Lord and King
of all history!
May you and all your
loved ones have a blessed and Merry Christmas!
Briefly Noted
Quote: "Christmas is not
a date. It is a state of mind." Mary E. Chase
New Year's Virgin Mary's
Vigil: On Dec. 31- we will have Prayer-Adoration
from 9-11pm; 11pm Mass and then 12 Midnight
benediction-all are welcome! This is