Reverend Reginald Rice was installed as pastor at Incarnation United Church of Christ in Emmitsburg on Sunday afternoon, February 13, 2005. Rev. Rice chose chapter 10 of the Book of Revelation as his scripture and his message was entitled
"Speaking the Truth in Love." He requested that the choir use the hymn "I Would Be True" as the anthem and delighted the congregation with his clarinet accompaniment.
Welcoming and commissioning Rev. Rice into the Catoctin Association of the Central Atlantic Conference of the United Church of Christ were the Rev. Dr. Jerrold Foltz, Catoctin Association Minister of the Central Atlantic Conference; the Rev.
Carol Hallman, President of the Catoctin Association; and the Rev. Gerald Fuss, Chairman of the Church and Ministry Commission. Brian Glass, president of Incarnation United Church of Christ Consistory, led Incarnation in their covenant with Rev. Rice. DeAnn Straley,
niece of Rev. Rice's wife, brought special music to the service with her solo, "Adoni."
Following the installation service, a reception was held in the Fellowship Hall for Rev. Rice and guests.

Rev. Jerry Fuss, Rev. Carol Hallman, Rev. Jerry Foltz and Rev. Reginald Rice

Enjoying refreshments after the installation service

A moment of relaxation before the guests arrive
Eric Glass, Incarnation United Church of Christ treasurer and Rev. Rice