Town Manager's
March 2005
Prepared by David
Haller Streets:
Staff has installed
and repaired a number of street signs
- Staff has cleared
East and West Main Streets
- Staff has
performed repairs to the street lights on East
& West Main Street
- Staff performed a
few cold patch paving repairs around Town
The new media in the
roughing filters continues to function very well
and is increasing the capacity of the DE
filters. We are now getting seven (7) day
runs on the DE filters. This improved
operation has greatly reduced our backwash water
requirements. These improved operational
conditions continued again this month.
- Mid-Atlantic
Storage, Inc. has completed the repair of the
small water storage tank by replacing a panel. We
are starting to refill that tank and will be
testing it very soon.
- We received four
(4) bids on the well #4 connection project.
Staff will be suggesting a bid for your approval
very soon. We hope to have this well on line
within the next 3-6 months. This well will
add approximately 160 residential water taps or
40,000 gpd of capacity to the system.
- Work is proceeding well and on schedule for the
Mt. View Rd. waterline rehab. project. The
contractor should be completing yard cleanup
paving over the next few weeks.
- Water production and consumption. We
produced and purchased an average of 240,487 gpd.
We consumed an average of 324,344 gpd.
- The difference is "Backwash Water"
...(4.7%). Due to the rehab of the
500,000 gal. storage tank. We purchased
446,160 gals. of water from MSM this month.
- 49.0% of this water came from wells
- 04.5% of this water came from Mt. St. Mary's
- 46.5% of this water came from Rainbow Lake
We experienced two
(2) spills of raw sewerage this month. 3/23
estimated at 50,700 gals. and 3/28 estimated at
54,000 gals.
Staff has been
performing general/seasonal maintenance at the
wastewater treatment plant.
Staff has repaired
the generator at the pumping station
We received about
5.5 inches of precipitation this
Wastewater Treatment:
- We treat an average of
723,000 gpd (consumed 324,344 gpd) which means that
55% of the
wastewater treated this month was "Wild
- We did exceed the plants design capacity on
5 days in the month of March;
- 3/23 - 2,881,000
gal. 3/24 - 1,275,000
gal. 3/25 - 847,000 gal.
- 3/27 -
1,255,000 gal. 3/28 -
2,591,000 gal.
pickup days will be Monday & Thursday for the
month of April
Staff is preparing
to begin Spring start-up maintenance - checking
all play ground equipment and ballfield prep.
Meetings Attended:
- To discuss
possible new commercial office site
- To review and
discuss site plan for proposed medical offices
- MDE related to the
civil design for the reconstruction of the Town's
sanitary sewer main east of Rte. 15
- Bid opening Well
#4 connection project
- Progress meetings
related to the Mt. View Rd. waterline rehab and
the sanitary sewer rehab projects
List of prior
months' Town Manager's reports |