











Town of Emmitsburg
300A S. Seton Ave Emmitsburg, Maryland

Town Manager's
Report February
Prepared by
David Haller
Staff repaired a number of street
and stop signs
Staff has repaired a number of
street lights
Staff plowed snow and salted a
number of streets and cleared the snow from Main
Street and Seton Avendue
The generator at the water treatment
plant had standard maintenance performed on it this
The roughing filters are
being backwashed once everyday and the DE filters are
being done once every week
Staff repaired several water leaks
this month - Two six inch mains were repaired, as
well as two service connections on West Main Street
Water production and
consumption. We produced and purchased an
average of 348,069 gpd. We consumed an average
of 325,399 gpd.
The difference is
"Backwash Water" ...(6.5%). We purchased
466,800 gals. of water from MSM this month.
47.7% of this water
came from wells
4.8% of this
water came from Mt. St. Mary's
47.5% of this water
came from Rainbow Lake
Staff has had standard maintenance
performed on the generator at the pumping station
and the wastewater treatment plant
We received about 2.8
inches of precipitation this month (the average is 3.0 inches)
Wastewater Treatment:
We treated an average
of 429,000 gpd (consumed 325,399 gpd) which means
that 24% of the wastewater treated this month was
"wild water"
We experienced no spills of
untreated sewerage during the month of February
We exceeded the
plant's design capacity on four three in the Month of
02/21 893,000 gal.;
02/22 1,049,000
gal.; 02/26 839,000 gal;
Staff trimmed some trees in Emmit
Gardens Park
Staff made standard checks of all
parks ---trash cans, bathrooms, etc.
02/07 Chris Jakubiak Comp Plan and
Water Plan
02/07 Catoctin Land Trust related to
mountain land study
02/08 Maryland Environmental
Services - Sewerage flow meters
02/08 Frederick County - Cedar
Avenue paving and sidewalks
02/09 Related to the Carriage
House's sewer connection
02/13 With pool management
02/14 South Seton Avenue project
progress meeting
02/15 Frederick County BOCC /
Municipal meeting
02/16 New Emergency generator
start-up meeting
02/20 Scenic By-Ways Management
02/21 MDE related to sewer plant
02/22 Frederick County / MML tax
sharing meeting
02/27 Budget review meeting
List of prior months' Town Manager's reports |