Commissioner Clifford Sweeney commented that he received a harassing telephone call from a member of COPE. Authorities were called in and handled the situation in an appropriate manner.
Commissioner Patrick Boyle stated that this was his last meeting on the Board. He wished to thank everyone who voted him into office and also those individuals who supported him during his tenure. During the last 6 years, he cited
accomplishments while on the Board—notably, moving the town out of bankruptcy, building the new water plant, extending the sewer lines, and having the Enterprise Fund in place. He thanked the Town Staff and the Mayor for their invaluable help. Commissioner Art Elder mentioned
the Dispatch article regarding the water committee and read his quote from the article for the record. He expressed discontent that he could not appoint an out-of-town person as a committee member.
Town Manager Report - reported on the Public Works Department monthly activities to include a water production and consumption analysis. Also included were notations of street repairs and street sign installations, the repair of the
wastewater plant valve had begun, the drilling of water wells, water treatment statistics, and staff repairs of playground equipment and trash pick up days for April. He also enumerated the parking violation statistics and building permits issued.
Mayor's Report – The Town will be utilizing interns from Mt. St. Mary's College this summer. He mentioned the hosting of the weight championship this year. Regarding the election on 4/27, the referendum will not be on the ballot due to the
lack of appropriate 30 days required for advertising but will wait until the last Tuesday in May.
Committee Reports - Commissioner Sweeney reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission tabled one request for a residential sign. Also preliminary re: rezoning and Comprehensive Plan.
Representing the Streets & Transportation Committee, Commissioner Boyle reported no meeting.
Commissioner Joyce Rosensteel stated that the Parks Committee did not meet. There was no Board of Appeals meeting. Water Board did not meet. Commissioner Elder put out conservation brochures in the recent water bills.
Mayor Hoover stated Thelma Richardson proposed to donate a live tree to the Town. The cost to move the tree would be approximately $450.00. Time would be donated, repairs would be made to residence lawn, and the tree would be placed on the
front lawn of Community Center for the Town to enjoy year-round. Commissioner Rosensteel believed it was a good idea, that it would bring activity to community. Mr. Haller stated the County most likely would have no problem with these arrangements if the Board voted in
support the motion.
MOTION: To accept the donation of the Community Christmas Tree, which would be placed in front of the Community Center. VOTE: 4-0 in favor of the motion.
The Maintenance staff walked through with all contractors. Approval required by board, garage environment needed to be stabilized and dry.
MOTION: To accept the $9896 bid from S & W Construction for repair of the maintenance garage roof. The motion was seconded and carried. VOTE: 4-0 in favor of the motion
Mr. Lucas' report of the 2005 Budget reviewed property taxes and user fees, researched area municipality fees and compared parking fees, excluding the Frederick market which is not comparable. He stated that it was reasonable to consider
increasing fees, bringing the fee structure level to up Thurmont's which would bring annual revenues to approximately $14,400 Meters can be retro fitted cost efficiently. He recommends increasing fees rather than property taxes to generate more town income. The Budget is
still in the works. Mr. Haller maintained that an aggressive capital budget in general funds have to come from somewhere and that user fees are fair fees, having less impact on people on fixed incomes. The need for cash flow would be diverted to property taxes–considering
lower economic burden. They would have to buy new heads. It was pointed out that it was less expensive to raise fees without refitting meters. Commissioner Boyle gave an overview of the rates history in the Town and was in favor of the recommendation. Commissioner Sweeney
agreed with recommendation, stating that the after-school program was supported by parking meter fees, and the program was in growth mode right now.
MOTION: To raise the current parking meter rates to 25 cents for 1 hour, and 10 cents for 15 minutes, and $115 to be charged for a six-month permit. VOTE: 4-0 in favor of the motion.
This Letter of Intent would allow the Town to reimburse itself for engineering fees, various professional services and equipment purchases needed for the repair and rehabilitation of Little Run sewer line replacement. The replacement costs of
$600,000 will be reimbursed from the Maryland Water Quality Financing Administration's loan proceeds for these expenditures.
MOTION: To approve resolution 2004-01R in which the Town intends to reimburse itself for engineering costs (already paid by the Town) out of portions of the MDE loan money. VOTE: 4-0 in favor of the motion.
Staff requested approval of hiring of a replacement employee for the Front Desk Receptionist to fill the vacancy left by Cathy Smith. Staff has advertised for the position, received over 100 resumes, and interviewed nine (9) candidates. One
candidate has been chosen for the position: Mrs. Amy Little, Secretary Grade 3, Step 3, $20,860/annual salary. Mrs. Little is presently employed at Gettysburg College and ready to take position after Board approval. The Mayor has not met candidate but he is comfortable with
Staff recommendation.
MOTION: To approve the hiring of a new employee to fill the front desk receptionist position vacated by Cathy Smith. VOTE: 4-0 in favor of the motion.
After interviews with Catherine Forrence and Rich Capriva, the two candidates being considered for the Planning Commission Alternate position, Commissioner Sweeney recommended Rich Capriva to fill the seat. Commissioner Elder requested the
Mayor's comments and recommendations. There was some discussion and clarification of John Clapp's previous comments during the Agenda Meeting of March 24, 2004, regarding the appropriate appointment of members of the Planning Committee and their Alternates. The Mayor appoints
members to the Planning Committee but Commissioners appoint the Alternates.
MOTION: To accept Rich Capriva as Alternate to the Planning and Zoning Committee. VOTE: 3-1 in favor of the motion. Commissioner Elder opposed.
Mayor Hoover recommended the following for appointment as Election Judges for the April 27 election: Rita Byard, Carol Pavek and Kathleen Warthen with Maria Henry as the Alternate.
MOTION: To accept the appointment of the Election Judges as recommended by Mayor Hoover. VOTE: 4-0 in favor of the motion.
Mr. Haller presented the contract to the Board, which is similar to last year's contract. The line item of extra expenses included in budget was also the same as last year's. Commissioner Rosensteel questioned whether the Town is approaching
the stage of needing to increase Sheriff's services. Mr. Haller offered that as population growth dictates, an increase would definitely be a consideration but he stated it should be a long-term consideration, starting with the process of meeting with the Sheriff's
Department. Mr. Haller asked if the Council would like Staff to research and discuss additional coverage with the Sheriff's Department. The Mayor and Commissioner Boyle were of the opinion to wait until the budget is firmed up to determine the need for an increase in service.
MOTION: To accept the 2004 Contract for Frederick County Sheriff's Office for Deputy Services and law enforcement. VOTE: 4-0 in favor of the motion.