Vole Damage & Control
County Master Gardener Program
are rodents that look similar to mice, and they
are often confused with other rodents like moles
and shrews. Voles are herbivores and become a
pest when their populations increase to the
point when their feeding damages or kills
plants. There is no single effective control for
voles. The best strategy utilizes an approach
known as integrated pest management (IPM). This
approach incorporates cultural, biological,
trapping, and chemical control methods together
to achieve success.
Integrated pest management requires that the
correct identification of the pest be done
first. In Maryland there are two species of
voles, the meadow vole, and the pine vole.
Meadow voles are also called meadow or field
mice. They are compact 4 ˝ - 7 inches long,
brown fur on their back with some black color
mixed in and a dark grey underbelly, small round
ears, and a short tail. Meadow voles live in
grassy areas and construct complex surface
runway systems in which to hide from predators.
When infesting residential areas they construct
their runways in mulched flower beds or in
ground cover. I have found numerous runways on
our office grounds this year after the snow
melted. The following picture shows a typical
meadow vole runway.
Meadow voles may dig burrows if ground cover is
sparse. They can have from 5 - 10 litters of
young annually each averaging about 5 babies per
litter. This high reproductive rate makes it
possible for populations to get out of control
in a single year.
The pine vole or pine mouse spends most of its
life underground in burrows from one inch to two
feet below the surface. Usually the burrows are
shallow with an opening of about 1 ˝ inches in
diameter. Pine voles are smaller than meadow
voles, only about 4 - 5 inches long, with a
shorter tail, smaller eyes, and a blunt nose.
Pine voles are chestnut brown with no black
markings. They produce fewer litters each year
with only 3 - 4 babies on average. Often both
species will share burrows and feed below the
soil surface.
The following diagrams
illustrate the differences between voles, moles,
and shrews.
Voles are herbivores preferring to eat lush
green vegetation and fruit during the growing
season. They love to feed on hosta and other
flowering perennials, strawberry plants, many
vegetables, pine seedlings, boxwood and other
dense low growing woody plants. The rest of the
year they will feed on roots, stems, bark, and
bulbs to survive. Voles can kill trees by
girdling them, this feeding behavior removes the
bark around the entire trunk at ground level.
Woody plants are damaged or killed when voles
feed on their roots. Typically this is noticed
in the spring when large portions of the plants
are found dead. The damage can be confused with
winter kill, salt damage and other pests, when
in fact voles were feeding on the roots.
Once you have identified there is a vole problem
it is best to use a combination of the following
4 methods for control:
1. Cultural control- The goal of habitat
reduction is to make your property as uninviting
to voles as possible. Keep mulch depth at no
more than 1 inch. Do not install landscape
fabrics. Space plant material further apart than
normal. Keep grassed areas around vegetable
gardens mowed down low. Select shrubs with more
upright growth habits than the spreading types.
All the above suggestions increase the vole’s
exposure to predators by reducing the hiding
2. Biological control- Encourage predators, one
of the best predators of voles is the domestic
cat. A pet cat does not have to be starved to
motivate it to hunt. A well fed cat will do the
best job. Other predators are hawks, owls, and
crows. In treeless areas birds can be attracted
to man made perches where they can observe the
area for voles. Set a post 8 - 10 feet above
ground level, use a 2 - 3 foot long cross member
set on top as the perch. Black snakes and King
snakes are also predators of voles and should
not be disturbed or killed.
3. Trapping - Use ordinary mouse traps. Bait
trap with peanut butter or apple slices. Fall is
the best time to use traps because food is
becoming scarce. Set the traps at a right angle
to the runway and in it as well or in the
excavated area between burrows. Burying large
coffee cans up to the top rim makes a pitfall
traps. Set them in the runways so the voles will
fall into the can as the move between areas.
This type of trap catches the pest alive. Check
and clean traps daily. If you are not catching
any voles the traps are probably set in inactive
runways, move them to another location.
4. Chemical control- The most effective poison
baits are only available to licensed
professionals, and only they can legally use
them. If you desire to use this method of
control, contact a professional pest control
company. There are less effective poison baits
available to the public, but they are not
recommended for use by home owners because of
the possible harm to non target species like
domestic animals and children.
Read other articles about pest control
Read other articles written by
Robert Bishop