Gardening Articles |
Birds, Wildlife & Beneficial Insects |
Droughts |
Ecological Gardening & Native Plants |
- A Bog Garden and its Habitat
- A garden gone wild
- A Winter Garden Habitat
- Alternative to Traditional Lawns
- An Ever-changing Garden
- Animal, Vegetable, Mineral ...
- Backyard Is an Ecosystem
- Baptisia
- Beware the Beloved Scottish Thistle
- Black-eyed Susans
- Brambles - the Season of the Berries
Buttonbush: A Great Native Shrub
- "Companion planting" & organic gardening
- Coneflowers Aren’t Just Purple Anymore
- Controlling Japanese Beetles Without Use of Chemicals
- Creating Your Own Wildlife Corridor
- Culver’s Root: the perfect native plant for pollinators
- Do’s and don’ts of bare root plants
- Echinaceas - A must-have in every garden
- Ecological value of native plants
- Effective Weed Control for Your Garden
- Enjoyment of a Wildlife Garden
- Environmentally Sound Fall Clean Up Practices in the Garden
- Establishing A New Garden With No Digging
- Exotic Invasive Plants and Our Environment
- Feed The Pollinators
- Gardening for Beneficial Insects
- Gardening with Gold
- Gardening With Nature
- Getting to Know Your Yard's Microclimates
- Goldenrod for Fall Color
- Green Buzzwords
- Green Gardens, Clean Water
- Habitat: Preserving What We Need
- Honey, I'm not going to cut the lawn anymore
- Ice Melting Products
- In Praise of African Blue Basil
- Integrated Pest Management
- Invasives
- Lessons from the garden
- Let’s teach our kids the value of plant diversity
- Lost Your Butterfly Bush? Try Natives Next Time
- Making your garden a refuge for local wildlife
- Make Your Yard Support Our Environment
- Milkweed -Thug or Beneficial?
- Mountain Mint
- Mountain Laurel—Four Seasons of Splendor
- Native Intelligence
- Native Honeysuckle - A Magnet for Hummers
- Native plants better, cheaper than lawns
- Native Plants for Late Summer Bloom
- Native Plant Gardens
- Native Red Columbine
- Participate in Nature: Become a Citizen Scientist
- Permaculture and the Home Garden: Finding a Balance
- Photosynthesis, the Key to Life
- Poison Ivy - The Native Plant Nobody Wants
- Planned and unplanned
- Plant Nutrition: The role of microorganisms
- Preparing a Sunny Wildflower Garden
- Preserving our Natural Habitat
- Protect Pollinators - Certify Your Garden
- Pussy Willow -- A Valuable Native Plant
- Rain Gardens
- Rudbeckia – the Yellow Star of the summer
- Saving Plants: Saving Water
- Selecting Native Trees for Your Yard
- Soil Health
- Spring Blooming Native Perennials
- Stop Storm Water Run-Off On A Hilly Lot
- Restoring Our Natural Environment
- Reparian Buffers
- Take Advantage Of Free Fertilizer... Use Your Leaves!
- Take Your Soil’s Temperature
- Taking the Safe Seed Pledge
- Techniques for a healthy, productive organic garden
- The Cottage Garden
- The Cup Plant, a valuable native plant
- The Downside of Burn Barrels
- The Effect of Urban Sprawl on Wildlife and Home Gardening
- The Hidden Side Effects of Chemical Weed Killers
- The Secret Life of the Soil
- Things you can do to help improve the heath the Chesapeake Bay
- Using fireplace ashes in your garden
- Using Native Plants in Your Home Landscape
- Vernal Ponds: Ecosystems in Miniature
- Vitex versus Butterfly Bush
- Why Meadows?
- Welcoming Nature into the Garden
- What’s Old is New Again
- What makes a flower fragrant?
- Why the Chesapeake Bay needs your help
- Wild Geraniums
- Wild Violets
- Wildlife Friendly Yards
- Wildlife Ponds and Pond Care
- Wildflower Meadows - An Alternative to Lawns
- Winterberry, A Beautiful, Multi-Use Native Plant
- Winter Habitat
- Xerscaping - Water Wise Gardening
Garden and Landscape Design |
- A Bog Garden and its Habitat
- A Diary of a Garden
- A Garden with a New Car Smell
- A Mum By Any Other Name ...
- A Meadow Patch for your Yard
- Adding a Banana Plant to your garden
- Agastache - Fun to Say & a Great Plant to Grow
- An Easy Landscape Design
- An Ever-Changing Garden
- Annuals Complement Any Garden
- Annuals offer wide variety of color, shape, & foliage
- Architectural Gardening - Adding a Room Outdoors
- Attractive gardens don't just happen
- Beauty in the Landscape
- Beware – Some Plants Are Evil
- Bleeding Heart
- Building a Hops Trellis for a Beer Garden
Bulbs Around The Clock
- Church Gardens
- Container and Small Space Gardening
- Cottage Gardens - the Anything Goes Garden
- Crazy for Red Berries
- Creating Garden Spaces for Cats
- Creating Outdoor Rooms
- Creating Your Own Oasis of Beauty & Tranquility
- Daylilies - the perfect perennial
- Designing A Sensory Garden
- Designing a Shade Garden
- Designing Container Gardens
- Diary of a Wildflower Garden - Year One
- Edibles in the Garden
- Edible Landscaping
- Evaluating Your Garden
- Evaluation of 2017 Trial Garden
- Evening Gardens
- Four-Season Garden of Beauty
- Frequently Asked Gardening Questions
- Garden Accents for the Outdoor Décor!
- Garden Ornament, Old and New
- Gardening on Paper - Planning a Garden
- Gardening for All Seasons
- Gardening for the Soul
- Gardening in the New Year
- Gardening in the Shade
- Gardening With Microclimates
- Gardening with Succulents
- Great Plants for Fall Color
- Ground Covers
- Go Naturalistic in the Garden
- Introduction to the Great American Garden - Yours!
- Hardscape in the Landscape
- Hardy Chrysanthemum - Fireworks for Fall
- Have Fun Personalizing Your Garden
- Hellebore – An Amazing Spring Display
- Herbs in the Landscape
- How to Garden Frugally
- How to Plan a Garden from Scratch
- Hydrangea Paniculata, Perfect Selection For a Garden
- Keyhole Gardening
- Landscaping your new home
- Landscaping your winter garden
- Locating Plants, Garden Design 101
- Low-maintenance groundcover to spruce up those barren areas
- Making your garden a refuge for local wildlife
- Mass Planting - It's Spectacular!!
- Master Gardeners Trial New Plants
- Maximize time spent to achieve a lush garden
- Meditation Gardens - Finding Sanctuary in the Garden
- Monty Python’s Gardens
- Moon Garden - A Luminescent Splendor
- Mulch Types
- My 1863 Garden
- Ornamental Grasses
- Perennial of the Year, Brunnera macrophylla ‘Jack Frost’
- Perennials with a Purpose
- Planning Your Spring Garden
- Planning for Your 2011 Garden
- Planning for Red Berries for Christmas
- Plants that honor loved ones
- Planting in Containers
- Planting in dry shade
- Plants that Require Patience, but are Worth the Wait!
- Plant it right for healthier, long-lived plants
- Polyculture, a fancy term for a technique you are probably already using
- Poppies Aplenty
- Plumaria
- Rain Garden
- Raised Bed Gardening
- Reflecting on last year's garden and planning for next year
- Replacing Old Shrubbery
- Review and Renew Your Garden
- Rocks Rock!
- Sages and daisies, who knew?
- Seed Catalogs: Enticing Eye Candy or Useful Gardening Tools?
- Selecting Bulbs for your Spring Garden
- Selecting Plants for Their Fall Leaf Colors
- Sensory Gardens
- Seven questions before you start your new garden
- Shasta Daisies
- Show Off Your Horticulture Skills at the 94th South Mountain Fair
- Spring Bulbs and Perennials Make Perfect Companions
- Starting From Scratch
- Stretching Summer Color into Fall
- Shrub Border – Deciduous Shrubs
- Shrubs for the Winter Landscape
- Small space gardening
- Sowing Seeds on Good Soil
- Spring Cleaning & Gardening in April
- Succulents love summer heat!
- Summertime Outdoor Exotics
- Ten steps to success with Tulips
- The Picture Perfect Garden Fence - The Perfect Winter Project
- The Right Plant plus the Right Light Equals Success
- Theme Gardens
- Things we can learn from old gardens
- Thinking Low To The Ground: Ground Covers For A New Climate
- Transforming a Garden Design with Color, Texture, and Form
- Trees and Shrubs for Your Garden
- Turtlehead - A Great Addition to a Moist Garden Bed
- Understanding Plant Heat Zone Designations
- Using Caryopteris to Enhance Your Perennials
- Using Focal Points and Garden Art
- Water Gardening
- Water-wise Yard and Garden Care
- What's up with Rain Gardens?
- Why Meadows?
- Who doesn’t look forward to planting a new garden?
- Winter gardening
- Winter Indoor Armchair Gardening
- Winter - the best time to plan your garden!
Witch hazel – A Bright Spot in the Winter Landscape
- Woodland Plants for Next Year
- Ye Olde Stumperie
Gardening Humor |
Gardening Techniques |
Herbs, Vegetables and Fruits |
- A cost-effective way to grow vegetables from seed
- A No-Garden Herb Garden
- A Vegetable Gardener’s View of March
- Amazing Aloe
- Aronia as a Superfood
- Asparagus
- Backyard Fruit Gardens
- Beans, growing
- Bewitching Witchhazel
- Blossom End Rot on Vegetables
- Brussels Sprouts
- Calendula, Herb of the Year 2008
- Consider Edibles in the Landscape
- Cool as a Cucumber
- Culinary Herb Growing 102
- Culinary Uses for Lavender
- Dill - Herb of the Year 2010
- Edible Flowers
- Echinacea: Herb of the Year 2002
- Fall Crops in Your Vegetable Garden
- Fall into Turnips
- Fall Planting Potatoes
- Fall Vegetable Gardening
- Five Step Plan for Asparagus Planting
- For the Humble Vegetable Gardener: Some Thoughts for 2005
- Frankincense and Myrrh
- Full of Beans
- Fall Vegetable Gardening
- Gardening with Children
- Garlic - It’s Not Just for Breakfast Anymore
- Good Seed? Bad Seed?
- Great Ways to Use Herbs
- Growing Grapes with the Help of the Internet
- Growing Jerusalem Artichokes
- Growing Mouth Watering Carrots
- Growing Potatoes
- Growing Tomatoes in the Home Garden
- Grow your own Asparagus
- Grow your own culinary herbs
- Growing your own Tomatoes
- Growing Vegetables and Herbs in Containers
- Have you ever grown 'Ground Cherries'?
- Hardy Kiwi for Hearty Climes
- Harvesting your Bounty of Herbs
- Heirloom Vegetables and Fruits
- Herbs for Thanksgiving
- Herbs in the Landscape
- Herbs in Winter
- Horseradish, Herb of the Year 2011
- How to Grow Asparagus
- How to Grow Hot Peppers
- I'm Blue for Blueberries
- Is it That Time Already?
- It’s Okay to Eat the Lavender Flowers
- Lavender
- Lemon tree, very pretty, and the flower so sweet ... Growing Citrus Indoors
- Luscious Leeks
- Marjoram and Oregano: Herb of the Year 2005
- Mint - Garden Mint
- More About Garlic
- Mulching Your Vegetables
- New Jersey Tea, Ceanothus americanus
- Nobody Doesn’t Like Basil
- Now is the Time for New Year's Gardening resolutions
- Observations from the garden
- One Potato, Two Potato
- One Potato, Two Potato How To Plant Potatoes
- Onions: Growing Big Onions with Little Effort
- Ornamental Corn Yields Fall Pleasure
- Potatoes
- Peas: Spring’s First Garden
- Pepper Garden - Pepper Garden Take 2
- Peppers in the Flower Garden
- Pizzazz with Herbs!
- Planning Your Spring Vegetable Garden
- Planting a Fall Vegetable Garden
- Planting a Food Garden
- Planting Vegetables – It’s Not Too Late
- Planting Spring Crops for Fall Harvesting
- Prepare for Spring!
- Pumpkins and Their Edible Relatives
- Put Some Herbs in Your Landscape
- Raised Bed Vegetable Gardening
- Rosemary, Herb of the Year 2000
- Sage Herb of the Year 2001
- Salute to Ole King Cole
- Scented Geraniums--herb of the Year 2006
- "Seasonings" Greetings! - Your Friend, Herb(s)
- Seven Mistakes Beginner Vegetable Gardeners Make
- Stop Vegetable Thieves Now
- Suggestions for this year's vegetable garden
- Sunflowers Are Funflowers
- Swiss Chard -- A Versatile Garden All-Star
- Thank the volunteers
- The Winter Jar Garden
- The Winter Windowsill
- Tips for Drying and Freezing Herbs
- Tips for Growing Herbs Indoors
- Today’s Colorful Vegetable Gardens
- Tomatoes
- Try Growing Asparagus
- Vegetable Gardening - the Healthy Hobby
- Vegetable Gardening in the Time of Pandemic
- Victory Garden's Revisited
- Watermelon - Growing Watermelon
- Winter Care of Herb Plants
- Who Knew Vanilla Extract Comes From An Orchid?
House Plants |
Insects & Garden Pests |
Lawn Care & Weed Control |
Plants & Gardens |
Shrubs and Vines |
Trees |
Misc |