Services |
- Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m.
- Special services
scheduled throughout year
- Mid-week service of
Holy Communion, second Wednesday of the month 7-7:30
PM. (The one exception is in November when we
will hold this worship service on November 15th.
Sunday School |
- Sunday School 10:30 a.m.
- Extended learning Program meets every Tuesday and Thursday at 3:30 PM
- Coming this Fall, Adult Bible Study. This fall we will meet on Sunday evening’s beginning at 6:30 pm. Our first study will be a five week
study of the book of James entitled “Putting Faith to Work” beginning September 9th. Beginning Oct 14th we will study “The Purpose Drive Life” for six weeks. During the month
of December we will engage in an advent study. Childcare will be provided if needed. Look for sign-up sheets soon and mark your calendars.
Ongoing or Up Coming Events |
- After school Extended learning Program, 3:30 Tuesday's and Thursday's (when school is in session)